Words of Wisdom

Creating a New Tribe

So much of the world is waking up now. There are a lot of people still asleep. The majority of the world is still asleep. But there are fortunately a lot of people waking up at the same time ! And the beauty of it is we don’t need the entire world to wake up. We just need to have some type of critical mass that are actually awake not just half awake but are actually awake and are working towards some positive change.

We need to create / form a tribe this year Folks. The people who are awake and wish to make a positive change. We need to step out of the system. In doing so we cant turn our backs on the system because the system is destroying the world which is creating the need for us to step out of it in the first place. But we can step out and away from the system , while still maintaining focus on the system in order to prevent the system continuing to destroy the planet the way it is. It’s a fine line to walk but that’s the way it is. The line we have to walk. And this is the year we are to begin to do it folks.

Were going to see a lot of stuff coming from Govts this year. Were going to see them throwing a lot of things at the people and we have to be energized enough to know how to combat all of there attacks. Cause that’s what they are attacks. Everything the Govy does is an attack against life, liberty, and justice. Its all fiction. We don’t need to rip anybody off, there doesn’t need to be anybody in a state of shortage or hardship on this planet. Its all to do with the fictional privately run money system. So we really need to see what’s going on here and look at it realistically. All these things are attacks against humanity, human consciousness, freedom, attacks against us reaching out for potential. And the more these attacks are directed at us the more people are waking up to the fact that this just isn’t right , and this is a good thing,

All we need to do to make a difference in this world is speak your truth. People to have the courage and stand up and say what is right. Stop being politically correct, stop being fearful of criminal politicians, understand that these people are simply criminals, and you don’t need to be scared or coward in the face of criminals. If you do speak the truth make your voice heard, it reaches other people. And that’s what we need. We need people to make a difference , on the ground in there own communities. Do what you can for the people around you, support your neighbors in any way. Be a shining light, be helpful to people. But DON’T be politically correct or back down in the face of political adversity. Don’t allow the govt to control what you can and can not say. And do not be afraid to point the finger a name a criminal and call it spade to spade. Don’t bow down to politicians. Politicians do not care about truth, they do not want to loose what ever cushy little position they have set up for themselves. Either way they do it at the expense of life and human kind and they are not fit to hold the position. And we know these truths now. These truths are self evident. So we can stand up and speak the truth and help more and more people become aware of the truth.

We have to learn to do it in the right way. We don’t do it with anger or animosity, or come across as being unstable . Simply stand up and call it spade to spade. That’s what we can all do this year in 2015! And this is what will make a real difference . If people put down there fear and realize now is the time for people to stand up and speak the truth.

The problem is people are constrained by things such as political correctness, people are too afraid to rock the boat. Too afraid about there neighbors or friends might think about them. But its time to put all this aside. Its time to see political correctness for what it is . It’s a form of intellectual tyranny. Prevents people from speaking their minds, prevents people from speaking the truth because there too afraid they may upset somebody in the process. Political correctness has led to the fluffiness of society. The squashing of the warrior spirit. The people to stand up in the face of adversity and say what is right and call it spade to spade. This is all due to the concept of political correctness that has been installed in people by the insidious education system and social system that we are subject to. But this political correctness has served to essentially gag society and prevent people from standing up and speaking their mind. And it has allowed the world to degrade the position there in and the politicians to get away with the many things that they do.

We cant allow the world to be destroyed and for society to crumble. And for mankind to simply be impoverished and discarded due to our need to be politically correct in what we say. We need to be brutally honest and blatantly truthful.Time to stand up and make a difference. Now we have everything we’ve ever needed to be able to demonstrate how corrupt the system is to people. And we have everything we’ve ever needed to be able to stand up against it. We need to step in to our hearts and stand up and speak the truth.

We should make 2015 the year of truth, year of the return of he warrior spirit, the year of the creation of the new tribe of mankind. This is the year we can turn things around and take things in a completely new direction. All we need to do is WANT TO and above all participate in making it happen.


When you speak the truth you got to do it in a way that going to reach people. Find a method that is calm, eloquent and impairing for those who actually hear the message, something that is motivational to them. Say things in a very logical, matter of fact way. You don’t want to be out there with a mega phone spreading fear because its not about fear. Because Im not in fear of the system of these politicians . More in a state of sorrow because I can see the suffering on the earth and how its all been orchestrated and I can see what the solutions are.

We need to stop going along with all the programing, We need to step back. It doesn’t matter what all the past data we’ve collective has been, it doesn’t matter how weve got to this point. What really matters is that we are here. We are here right now, and if we live in the now, and are here right now, in the present then we can begin to formulate a workable plan to move to a more prosperous future. But we got to put down our fixation with the past. And we really got to put down out fixation with other peoples ideas that we are allowing to control, our own personal reality. And this even true when looking at the system itself. All the people who work within the system are corrupted by the system because the system is essentially corrupted itself. So as soon as you begin working within those parameters , you are corrupted by default. This doesn’t mean you’re an evil person , it means you are working within corrupt parameters. And a lot of it is due to programming, peoples belief that the fiction is real. Due to peoples belief that what is written on paper is real. And that is a lot of what constrains society, what constraints our consciousness. Its peoples belief that fiction is real. Its what causes the military to do what they do because they believe they have to follow orders they believe that you can not brake the chain of command and they are completely locked in to the fiction. It’s the same with peoples nationalism, there are locked in to the fiction. Nationalism doesn’t exist, its an invention of the human mind. Someone drew a line on the map and said everything below this side of the map belongs to me and everything on the other side belongs to him. And you need to be proud your on this side of the line with me but really its just a fiction. All these countries don’t really exist there really just names for places on earth Nationalism itself believing that your spot on earth is better than anybody else’s spot on the earth is completely ridiculous. Again its programming.

And the amount of people who think that they are awake or the govt is there friend, you cant blame them its because of the programming. You cant speak up for the hatred of the minors because there doing it because there programmed to believe the economy is real and that they need paper to survive. In fact they do need paper to survive but in the current paradigm . So you cant blame them for what they do it’s a result of programming. All the symptoms that we face are all a result to programming. Is designed to constantly support the economical model to believe ownership is real and these lines on maps actually separate areas and that these areas that name different things and that you have to be loyal to a particular area is all fiction. And all of it serves to divide and conquer the human spirit. Theres one tribe on this planet, one people. Regardless of skin color , regardless of ethic decent, regardless of which place in the world you come from , theres one tribe on this planet and we have to honor that and return to that . We have to look around and see the fiction that is destroying the world and step away from the fiction. And don’t believe that we are constrained by the fiction to the extent that we have to let the fiction destroy our habitat and our world around us. We don’t have to let the people destroy our environment or ability to produce our own food simply because somebody wrote rules on pieces of paper that they can destroy this piece of land and turn it in to mine. We don’t have to do any of it because its all fiction. And if this fiction is destroying the planet and destroying our ability to live in abundance and putting people in a state of hardship then we have a duty of care to not only our earth but to our selves to step away from it or atleast ask the right questions. Speak your truth. We need people to stand up and speak the truth. Don’t be politically correct, ask the right questions, ask them as ,loudly and as publicly as possible. Just so you can point out the obvious to people. Oterwise weregoing to allow our fear which is something completely fictional to destroy this planet. To destroy our habitat. And we can not allow this to happen. Change is going to come this year!We have every opportunity to bring about this positive change and this is the year I believe we can do it, all we have to do is step up to the plate. Lets get the ball rolling.

Its fear that stops people from doing so, speak your truth and don’t be politically correct. Makes sure it’s a debate and not an argument. Arguments are counterproductive. You don’t want to get in to arguments with people. Healthy debate is fine, that’s what we need cause that will help people see persecptive and put them in the position to see the truth within themselves and that’s what we need. Real truth must be realized. Real truth can not be told but only realized. You need to discover it for yourself. Its all about self discovery. All you can do is point out the obvious to people and let them discover the truth by themselves. Because that way it sinks in. You cant go there with a bull horn and start screaming at people because all you do is shut them down. And that’s the last thing we want to be doing at moment , is shutting people down. We want to be waking people up and giving them and giving them information that is impairing for them.

If you can lead by example, and be a joy to be around and help your community then you really will make a difference. Help people remove the blinders but just make sure yiu have the right attitude when doing it. Treat these people as your friends, the way you would want to be treated if you were in there position . Were still locked in the matrix and someone that is going about waking you up, how would they do it? Try to be as gentle as possible.

Creating a new tribe . People of all color joining together. Bridge that gap. Crack the shell of narcissism. Helping people apply there spiritual knowledge for it can actually work. This is something that can be used to unite people from across the world with different believes and maybe get them to step out of there rigid believe system , in to something that they can identify with . Brake down division with people. All of our consciousness has been hijacked so maybe we can hijack a few of these concepts and actually turn them in to something positive and create a bit of global unity in this planet. All we need to do to have this global unity is to respect each other and do the right thing. You got to understand that every decision you face in your life is a moral decision. There’s always a moral choice. Theres a right thing to do and a wrong thing. There’s right action and wrong action and its up to you to choose what action your going to perform. Regardless of what legislation may say.

Understand that you are participating in this reality, your participating in every action that you take your participating. Either with the system or against the system. You got a realize what your doing. The concept of the New Tribe can be used to unite the people. It’s a global thing. A coming together of human consciousness an attitude of compassion and respect for each other . Respect for each other and of course respect for the earth aswell. Because we need to begin respecting the earth because it is our home! If we destroy our habitat we don’t have another one to go to. We need to change our perspective. Where we are on the ground, where we live right now. We don’t need to go anywhere else. We need to change the way we interact with our environment.

You don’t need to go to a specific location to do it, you can do it right where you are.And it is simply putting down the barriers you have with people , the judgment that you have of other people and stepping away from the fictional reality that is destroying this planet.You got to look at the results of the economic system to see the truth. People are in incredible states of hardships and then you see the politicians on tv patting themselves on the back saying ; well all the books are balanced or how good it has all been on the economy , they put the economy above the needs of the people. They say if we have a strong economy we have a strong country and therefore all the people are looked after. But really its not the case because the economy is strengthened at the expense of personal happiness at the expense of personal prosperity, at the expense of abundance, at the expense of mankind. That is what balances the books. It about the figures, forget the people as long as the figures are balanced then according to figures the people are ok. And there not interested in what’s actually going on , on the ground because it all looks good on paper.

And it’s the politicians willingness to support his corrupt fictional system that is creating all of the problems that we face. The economy is what is destroying the the planet and making people suffer. The whole thing is fiction, we can not eat numbers , grow these trees, eat or drink these numbers. They are of no use whatsoever they do not support life, they do not support liberty, freedom, prosperity or happiness all they do is enslave the people. And a fictional system of debt slave and destroy the environment. That’s what the economy does.

The movement has to happen in the heart, If people change the way they think, and apply themselves to the world, then they change the world. We all do this on the ground, where we live then the world changes. You don’t need any movement, you don’t need any savior , you are your own salvation. We are our own salvation. Mankind is capable of saving itself. And you cant expect any savior to come save a race that is not prepared responsibility for its own actions.

This is where religion is flawed waiting for god to save you when you weren’t even conscious enough or willing to save yourself. If you look within your heart you know what is right and you know what is wrong. If you consciously choose to do what is right , then everything you do, you change the world. If your not prepared to do that, no ones going to change the world for you. And no movement that springs in to being is going to create any positive change at all if human kind has not changed there perspective. Changed their heart space, change the way they interact with the world they live in. It comes done to the individual, changing his or her perspective and viewing the world in a more realistic way. If we all lived our lives in a state of empathy , respect and compassion then we can change the world in a day.

You need to make these internal changes in order to change anything but then you have to apply this understanding in the world you live in. You need to apply these understandings to the world. You are never going to be free while the rest of the world is still enslaved. Freedom is not about being irresponsible, not having to work and have everything provided for you. But Freedom is actually 100 % self responsibility. Freedom is self governance . And this will only be achieved when people are taught self responsibility and when society and people within society prepare to take responsibility for there own actions. But it has to come from everybody. You cant just free yourself. Because if the system is still here then you are still enslaved regardless of how free you may believe you are. Simply because we are all on this earth together and there will be no one who is truly free until all are free. Most people don’t understand the system of slavery , the debt slavery we are all living in. They think that they can go through all these spiritual understandings and meditations or all these self help gurus and all these teachings . And they can sit and do yoga and meditation everyday but they are still living within this corporate system, within this system of economic slavery which is destroying the planet and enslaving the entire population in to a state of self generating debt. There still working within that. To say all the other stuff happening around the world is not part of my reality. Well it is part of your reality because you live on this earth and your ignorance of that reality is what is perpetuating the problem. If you choose to ignore these problems then you are a servant of the system. That is the truth of the matter. No matter what your Spiritual understandings are if its all about your own personal self and the willful ignorance about problems around you. Then you are part of the problem. If we face these problems we can heal them. Every problem is an opportunity for healing, change, fix the problem , but if we don’t know the problems there were never going to be able to fix it. When we do know the problems there and we choose to ignore it because we believe that ignorance of the problem will bring about a positive change then this is a full program that weve been trained to be running t and it is actually contributing to the problem. Because once you know somethings there folks and you choose to ignore it from that point then you are very much a servant of the system and very much contributing to the problem itself.

Willful ignorance is truly a disgraceful character trait that has developed in many people and it is a result of the system, peer group pressure, result of peoples fear what others might think about them and how it might effect there social status. And it truly is a disgraceful trait and has contributed very much to the state that the world is in today. And if you look at the political correctness, what is political correctness but willful ignorance. So don’t ignore the problems any more folks. Choose to do the right thing. Choose to have your voice heard, chose to take the moral high ground in all of your actions. Consciously ask yourself, when you perform these actions what is the right thing to do. When you speak to people ask yourself is it kind, is it true, is it necessary. If it isn’t those things, don’t say it. But makes sure it’s kind, and true and necessary. Sometimes what’s necessary and true may not appear to be kind but really it is, truth is always kind.

We are responsible for this mess, and we are responsible through our lack of responsibility, the choice that we have made to give our responsibility away. Sure there are many people who cant see this, who think the system is real, but even these people are finding out now that they have been played. And it’s there willful ignorance which is causing them not to look at the real situation.

The system is designed to harvest all of our energy and that’s why we have to step away from it. We’ve got to realize how much we are being played and open our eyes and begin to realize that everything we are facing comes down ultimately to the simple choice between right and wrong. The simple choice of the actions you take every day, the decisions that you make, the way you interact with people that is the simple fact of the matter.

And that’s why the situation could be changed so easily. Because it is a simple matter of people changing there perspective. Getting the information to a large enough amounts of people for them to see the reality of it. Of course braking through the programing is also very difficult. The amount of social, economic and religious programming that people have been subject to is a huge problem. But again even these types of programs can be overcome once people find themselves in a place of absolute hardship and scarcity, which is where we are going. That’s what is waking the world up by default . There are so many measures being used against us right now, the system is coming to peoples back yards. And so they are actially beginning to see the control routes for themselves. And that’s a good thing its just a shame its got to a point of absolute hardship before they have actually seen it.

If we have strong supportive communities around these people then we can show them, there are people that care and that there is a better way we can do things. But its got to come down to the individual by you making the correct moral choices in your actions. And don’t comply with anything that cause you to deviate from your moral compass. Just that action is enough to create huge ripples in reality. Imagine if the whole world started doing that. We could quite literally change the world in 1 day. That’s how simple it could ne , its just getting the information to enough people. Not only getting the information to them but helping them to apply it to the rest of the world. Unfortunately most people like to follow. To see the other people have done things and didn’t get them in trouble . And say he got away with so maybe I will have a go to. This is the way people think. And this is part of the fear program instilled in their minds unfortunately.

Fear is the underlying mechanism of this whole system. Its all about fear based mind control. Fear based mind control is what prevents people from doing the right thing. Its what prevents people from disobeying legislation. What prevents people from speaking out, speaking the truth, to there neighbors and friends, fear of what these people might think of them. So we police our own thoughts . we say what we believe people will want to hear. We say what people might perceive to be clever. We just want to say that which will make us popular which is really unfortunate.

Truth is not a popularity contest. Life is not a popularity contest. Its abpout doing what you can with the potential that you have been given. We have enormous potential as a species. We each do individually. But combined as a species we have unlimited potential. And that what id like to see us embrace. And that is everything that the system is designed from prevented us from realizing. The powers are desperate for us to never realize our own potential. There desperate to keep us believing that the fiction they use to enslave us is real. And all this fiction does is keep us doing the wrong thing by each other. And its time we stopped that. And question the morality of the system.

The system that is in place was apparently created by mankind to service our needs. So why is mankind the most expendable thing in the parameters of the system. Why does the system work so hard to balance the books rather than balance human consciousness. Balance the state of our societies. Balancing so that the people are living in there natural state of abundance. Being in balance with the planet that we live on. What we got here is a massive state of imbalance. Because we have a very small group of people who have taken responsibility for everybody else and have done this by taking responsibility away from everybody and training the vast majority of society to give there responsibility and give there power away, and done that with the promise of trinkets, little games and little things to keep us happy , little designated entertainment zones we can go to, entertainment we can watch on the television or in the movies., different levels on the social ladder that we can attain, and when we get to these levels they give us little trinkets and toys to play with. And all at the expense of the earth .

Were here to create Folks, to create something magnificent , where not here to be led down the garden path. Appeased with toys . That’s not what were here for. Where here to improve reality and take human consciousness in a better direction , to a better place, to get us back on track. And that not what were doing. Society is not paying attention. If we were paying attention the world would not be in the state that its in . We wouldn’t see all these wars or all these people being killed.

Now we have the information. The information is out there. The people can discover this truth for themselves. But unfortunately the information isn’t anywjhere they can find it in the mainstream. Which is why its up to you, its up to you to share the information, and knowledge with people. Start applying this information and sharing it with the people around you. Do that and you can definitely be out there on the frontline making the difference. Doing so in your own community which is the most important place you can be doing it.

Grassroots section, on the ground , at home, that is what is going to change the world. We got have enough people making noise, In our local communities at the govt will end up running away with its tail between its legs. But you got to do it on the ground. With the people that you have around you. Build a rapport with these people , respect and friendship, build some high moral standing in your community, you can make a difference because that community can stand up against anything that interferes with its moral compass. A new tribe to be formed. Where people are doing the right thing. Regardless of what anybody else suggests that they should do.

Because you don’t have to do anything that is not right folks and if you do the right thing in all you do , then you will change the world. And that’s how we do it. And nows the time that it has to happen. 2015. Lets form the new tribe based on doing what is right.

Full Download: http://thecrowhouse.com/dl/MaxIgan_Creating_The_New_Tribe_Surviving_The_Matrix_AVR_Jan02_2015.mp3

By: Max Igan

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