
Celebrating Spring Equinox

Ostara falls on march 21st during the vernal equinox where by both day and night are equal. It is a pivotal point in balance where forces of light gain power and emerge over darkness until midsummer. The equinox happens when the sun aligns with the earths equator and begins to cross the northern hemisphere beginning the warmer season and emerging in to spring. This season we follow is the celebration of the returning strength and warmth of the sun, a celebration we call Ostera. Because of its astrological timing and events, this celebration is a good time to gain your focus and balance.

Like walking out of a dark room into bright light, so must are spirits realign with the light, so as not to catch ourselves falling on our feet. There is a transition of the old shed into the new. Reflections of before have now come to there potential and our put officially behind us as learning stones to grow from. We remain to have ties to these difficult lessons, but we are not bound to relive them unless we will it so or wish not to step back and learn. It is then we begin to move forward, crossing the threshold and still keeping our balance as we shift our eyes to focus on new sights that lie ahead.

Ostara celebrates the resurrection and celebration of the sun. The forces of light begin to stir and awaken nature to its seasonal roles. Nature begins its own celebrations. The buds are pushing there way up through the earth to reach the suns strengthening light. The animals are feeling the instinct to breed. The birds have begun there morning ritual of songs and are looking for their partners. All of natures energies shift from winter to spring.

Cleansing is a good way to clear out old and make room for spring. You may also want to take time to clean and redecorate all your tools on your alter so they are clear of any previous unwanted energy that could throw off their once balanced energy they had before the winter months.

Its also a great time to bless all the gathered seeds you will be planting for gardens this year. Place them in a ritual circle to be charged with Ostara energy. Even the pots used to receive plants can be blessed with this energy. Indoor plants should be dusted or wiped down with a damp cloth to remove dust on the leaves. Be sure to start a garden journal and begin some of your garden planning at this time and ask for some inspiration from the Goddess!

Source: Jezebel witch

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